
The Love Oracle

Ask the love oracle any question about your love life

Not simply another Yes/No Oracle, you get full customized responses from the Answering Oracle

What is the Answering Oracle?

I am not a person - I am the Oracle

How does the Answering Oracle work?
I can answer questions best that start with Will I... Should I or Can I... but I can also answer other types of questions. Please make sure your statments are concise and correctly structured, for examples use "you" instead of " U ".

Questions of romance can occupy our time and thoughts, the outcomes of romance are the great unknowns of life. Sometimes waiting and wondering if you will feel the pure joy of love and affection or the bitter heart break of separation and rejection can be one of the hardest times in life for someone to go through. The Love Oracle is here to be the voice of compassion and understanding during these hard times. The Love Oracle is here to give you guidance and reassurance of the path you are on. Some yes no oracles give random one word responses but the Love Oracle provides complete responses and insights into your situation. It can also be extremely helpful to simply have someone there that is willing to listen. When things are weighing heavily on your mind the best thing to do is simply talk to someone about it, processing our concerns, thoughts, fears, hopes and conclusions is the most important part in reducing the stress and anxiety that we feel in anticipation. And simply putting your thoughts out there and having them reflected back to you can help you look at the situation from a different angle and perhaps, see something or realize something that you didn't see before.

It can also be a simple: Yes No Love Oracle to get basic answers to your questions. Sometimes we simply need a another voice giving us direction in life and it can feel nice to know you have someone to talk to about serious issues that are very personal that we may not be able to fully express to our friends and family. When we leave these thoughts and feelings inside and let them stagnate there it can lead to more stress, negativity and unhappiness. That is why the Love Oracle is here to be a compassionate and comforting ear to listen to you about that things that matter most to you.

"The Oracle gives me a sense of direction I guess you could say a feeling of security"

Carlia J, Virginia

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